It's a place to explore their ideas of what is possible!

Home | Extra-Curricular Activities (ECA)


At our school, we understand the importance of providing a well-rounded education that goes beyond the classroom and so we conduct ECA sessions twice a week. Special part-time teachers, known for their achievements, are appointed to ensure that the need is fulfilled. We believe that education is not limited to the confines of the classroom. By engaging in various extracurricular pursuits, students can develop valuable skills, explore their interests, and enhance their overall learning experience. By participating in these extra-curricular activities, our students gain invaluable experiences that complement their academic journey. Discovering new talents and interests of the students are added benefits.
Here are the exciting extra-curricular activities we offer during school hours so that every student gets benefitted. No extra fee is collected for the same. ‘No child is left behind’ is our mantra.

Extra-curricular activities we offer.

Chess- Enhances students' cognitive, social and emotional development.
Silambam - Improves body flexibility and reflexive movement of joints and muscles along with focus, confidence, stress relief and cultural appreciation.
Karate – Enriches better mental well-being, character development, goal-setting abilities and self-defense skills.
Vocal music - An avenue to showcase artistic talents through melody and rhythm.
Yoga – Promotes physical fitness, flexibility, and mental strength.
Musical instrument - Enhance concentration, memory, hand-eye coordination and multitasking.
Dance - Develops choreographic skills, and expresses emotions and ideas through movement.

Join us in exploring the exciting world of extra-curricular activities and unlocking your full potential!